Tangible Crossword
year: 2012
self-initiated project
tags: interactive installation, tangible interaction
An interactive crossword puzzle that uses alphabet cubes to solve the puzzle and rewards the user with a soundtrack. This was made for an event at the National Institute of Design, Ahmedabad India in 2012. It was based on the theme of the event Naughty 90's.
This puzzle had clues from the 90s era and the players had to place the blocks of letters in the board. On getting the right answer, the installation played a sound clip related to that word, bringing back some of the exciting memories of the 90s.
How it works
The alphabet blocks are made of 100mmX100mm high-density Styrofoam. 5 sides of the block are covered with the printed alphabet while to bottom is covered with a conductive aluminum foil which is then covered with a cut-out pattern uniquely designed for each alphabet.
The bottom face of each alphabet block and its respective socket on the grid have a unique pattern.
When the correct alphabet cube is placed in the socket, the pattern matches and the circuit is complete.
All alphabet sockets on the grid for each word are connected in series so that when a word is complete the circuit is complete.
Each word triggers a predefined sound clip related to the word through an Arduino Uno along with an MP3 shield.
tools and techniques
Arduino, Processing, Adobe Illustrator, basic electronic and workshop tools
Aalok Jaiswal, Karan Dudeja, Kartika Malpani
my role
concept development, mechanical and electronic prototyping, fabrication